Which types of cleanings are right for your teeth and gums?
There are various types of cleanings available for patients and they all depend on the patients presentation after the included dental checkup. Cleanings can be done for a healthy mouth as prophylaxis or preventive care and maintenance, gingivitis or inflammation of the gums or even periodontal disease. Our dentist can recommend the cleaning that is right for you after a general examination & X-rays are done.
Gum pigmentation depends on ethnicity, where the natural pigment color can range from coral pink to darker shades of brown, or gums that are stippled which can also be a normal process. A healthy mouth is never red, purple or puffy, and the gums should not bleed during the brushing process. As the hygienist uses a probe to measure for pockets (turtle neck sweater spaces between gums and teeth which should measure 3 mm or less) in the teeth, the gums should feel comfortable.
The level of the gums should meet the crown of the tooth at the enamel, and there should be gum tissue covering the space between the teeth. There should be no dark triangles visible between spaces of the teeth.
Patients with a healthy mouth (gums/teeth) can benefit from our preventative prophylaxis (basic/maintenance) cleaning. These patients may have some localized gingivitis, but without any sign of periodontal disease (no heavy bleeding during the cleaning or probing process).
Early research has led to the conclusion that periodontal disease (which was poorly understood) is not a severe form of gingivitis, but a different type of bacteria that attacks the teeth & gingiva. After this attack, there is an exaggerated response by the immune system where it will attack bone in order to remove the bacterial toxins as wells as the bacteria. As is with most types of auto-immune reactions, it is an inherited response that can be genetically acquired, so it can be passed on from generation to generation.
Gingivitis and periodontal illness can happen together or independently. On the off chance that you have periodontal malady without gingivitis, you will have bone misfortune and not really encounter touchy or draining gums.
Periodontal disease must be analyzed utilizing a full mouth arrangement of X-beams and a full examining of every individual tooth. The illness can be restricted to particular territories of the mouth or summed up all through the whole mouth.
Severe bad breath, loose teeth, teeth that fall out by themselves and pus exuding from the gums can all be found in advanced periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is treatable, but it is not curable because it is genetic. In order to keep this disease under control, a person must be seen for follow-up treatment every three months or more frequently as needed.
Scaling & Root planning (Deep Cleaning) is treatment for gentle to direct summed up or progressed confined periodontal malady. It is generally gone before by a gross debridement. This is at times alluded to as a “profound cleaning.” Antibiotic gels are utilized as a part of conjunction with root planning to treat periodontal sickness and might be set at an indistinguishable arrangement from the root planning.
Periodontal cleaning is the treatment given to individuals with periodontal ailment at a recurrence of no less than 3 months to avoid additionally bone loss.
• Sore Gums
• Inflamed Gums
• Plaque buildup
• Bacteria
• Infection
• Bad Breath